Sunday, January 17, 2010

Christmas vacation & Latin American Missions Retreat

December was a month away from home (Monterrey), but we were with family, so all was well!! While Roger stayed in San Antonio with the boys for a week, Debbi flew (free with Charity's benefits) to Salt Lake City to spend time with her before Christmas. We baked cookies, fudge, all the goodies for Christmas...just like old times! It was alot of fun just to hang out together! The following week Roger, Jeremy, Josh & Albessa and her parents all drove out to be with us for Christmas! It was such a fun week in the snow together...we ended up in Park City for skiing & snowboarding. We also drove by a small street taco stand one night when it was snowing, so we all stopped and ate Mexican tacos in the snow! Even Zacky came along with his new doggie wheelchair.
Then we drove back to San Antonio and Roger & I flew from there to Orlando, FL to attend the LACC Retreat with missionaries from all over Latin America! It was so good to renew friendships and listen to God's Word as the theme was from Jeremiah 29:11...and allowing ourselves to just receive & be renewed in the services.
The week after the Retreat, a good friend of ours Harlan & Jane gave us their condo to use there in Orlando. We invited my (Debbi) brothers and sisters to come and spend the week with was the 1st time in 15 years (since we left for the mission field)..that all of our brothers & sisters were together (except for my mothers funeral). Even Charity flew over for a few days to reunite with her aunts and uncles! However, the night that my family arrived, Roger came down with the flu (most believe it was the swine flu due to the symptoms). He ended up in bed the entire week with high fever and chills, so only had 1 day of vacation before my family left, poor thing.
We are now back in Monterrey, and are back to work again...lots to do this year for the Lord in Monterrey and outlying areas. Please keep us in your prayers.

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