Monday, February 4, 2008

Lots happening in the last few weeks! Josh is safe!

I (Debbi) had a wonderful birthday surprise a couple weeks ago...our daughter Charity came to visit for a few days. We had a Packer/birthday party and celebrated both of our birthdays (Debbi...1/21 and Charity...1/29) together with some of our fellow students! We had classes while she was here, so couldn't go too far, but it was just good to have here with us! Shes making plans to come during our Trimester break in April, so we can go experience Costa Rica with her then (and hopefully Jeremy, Josh and Albessa can come then too). With her being a flight attendant, its almost free to come here (cost more for the airport exit fee than her flight!).

The week after Charity left, we moved to another apartment, where we are much more comfortable. We live a little closer to school, and next to some fellow students (so its alot more fun), but most of all, we have a bed that we can sleep all night on (we'd wake up at 4am due to such a hard bed in the other place), and a really comfortable couch (the other one was shot...wood with a little material covering it). The first night at our new apartment, both Roger and fell asleep watching tv on the couch (one of my favorite things to do:).

Last night we had a "SuperBowl" party! (Too bad the Packers weren't in it, but oh well, can't win them all!) We opened up our apartment along with the one next door (with the Amslers) and one upstairs (with the Knoodles). Lots of students came over and we had tons of food, and lots of fun with people going from apt. to apt.

Now the best news....Josh is back from Iraq! Thank you so much for praying for him! We know that God's hand of protection was upon him...and he arrived back with his wife in San Antonio on Sat. pm for a month of R & R. He will then go back to his base in Germany for 2 months, then muster out of the military as he's finishes 6 years active duty in April.


PAC-Man said...

Love the photos!'s Zach The Pup doing? He's missed also.

FYI..your former realtor here in Katy was baptized in water recently. While baptizing her,I lost my balance and...

..well, you'll need to see it for yourself!!

PAC-Man said...