Monday, November 19, 2007

Congrats Josh!

We just found out that our oldest son Josh, who is serving in Iraq as an Army M.P. , was given an accomadation for a Medal of Valor today for pulling some guys out of a building that was burning due to being hit by a mortar, which saved their lives! We are thankful for God's protection on his life so far and continue to pray for him daily (Psalms 91). He will be finishing his tour there at the end of January, so the countdown is on!


BonnieMac said...

We are very proud of Josh! God has his hand on him & is using him right where he's at whether he understands He is or not.
Way to go Josh!

audorffs said...

Thanks Bonnie! We know that you've been praying for him along with so many others! We appreciate it sooooo much! Love ya

Sarah said...

Josh rocks!